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JLPT N2 Nihongo Soumatome Vocabulary List

JLPT Nihongo Soumatome N2 Vocabulary List

Medical Terms in Japanese 

胃 (い): stomach
胃腸 (いちょう): stomach and intestines
腹 (はら): abdomen, belly
腹痛 (ふくつう): stomach ache

呼吸 (こきゅう): respiration, breathing
呼吸音 (こきゅうおん): breath sound
吸 (きゅう): inhalation, absorption
吸収 (きゅうしゅう): absorption

背 (せ): back

背中 (せなか): back, spine
吸う (すう): to inhale, to breathe in
休息 (きゅうそく): rest, relaxation

睡眠 (すいみん): sleep
息 (いき): breath
眠い (ねむい): sleepy
息子 (むすこ): son

血 (ち): blood
高血圧 (こうけつあつ): high blood pressure

血液 (けつえき): blood
圧力 (あつりょく): pressure

居眠り (いねむり): dozing off, nodding off
食欲 (しょくよく): appetite
欲 (よく): desire, greed

心臓 (しんぞう): heart
内臓 (ないぞう): internal organs, viscera
疲れる (つかれる): to get tired, to become exhausted
液 (えき): liquid

耳鼻科 (じびか): otolaryngology, otorhinolaryngology
鼻 (はな): nose
鼻水 (はなみず): nasal mucus, a runny nose
胸 (むね): chest, breast
鼻水 (はなみず): nasal mucus, runny nose

歯科 (しか): dentistry
歯周病 (ししゅうびょう): periodontal disease
歯医者 (はいしゃ): dentist
歯車 (はぐるま): toothed wheel

予防 (よぼう): prevention, precaution
防止 (ぼうし): prevention, stopping

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