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JLPT N1 Kanji List

JLPT N1 Vocabulary List. This list is being updated.

This is a comprehensive list of Vocabulary Needed For the JLPT N1 exam.

赤字 (akaji): deficit

悪事 (akuji): evil deed, crime

仰ぐ(aogu): To Look Up

圧倒 (attou): overwhelm, overpower

扱い (atsukai): treatment, service​

圧力 (atsuryoku): pressure, stress​

過ち (ayamachi): fault, error, indiscretion

買収 (baishuu): acquisition, buy-out, takeover

爆弾 (bakudan): bomb

弁護 (bengo): defence, pleading, advocacy​

弁解 (benkai): justification, explanation

弁明 (benmei): explanation, excuse

貧乏 (binbou): poverty, destitute, poor​

敏感 (binkan): sensibility, susceptibility

微笑 (bishou): smile

膨張 (bouchou): expansion, swelling, increase

防衛 (bouei): defense, protection

暴力 (bouryoku): violence, mayhem

侮辱 (bujoku): insult, affront, slight

部下 (buka): subordinate person

分配 (bunpai): division, splitting, sharing

分散 (bunsan): dispersion, breakup

文書 (bunsho): document, writing, paperwork

無礼 (burei): impolite, rude​

武装 (busou): arms, armament​

武装 (busou): arms, armament​

武装 (busou): arms, armament​

貢献し(Kouken): Contribution

降伏(koufuku): surrender, submission

起伏(Kifuku): undulation, up and down

勤勉 (kinben): diligent, industrious​

着手 (chakushu): to start work (on), to undertake​

近づく (chikazuku): to approach, to draw near

蓄積 (chikuseki): accumulation, accumulate

賃金 (chingin): wages

沈黙 (chinmoku): silence, being silent

知性 (chisei): intelligence

秩序 (chitsujo): order, regularity

直感 (chokkan): intuition, instinct, hunch

直面 (chokumen): confrontation, to face

挑戦 (chousen): challenge, defiance, dare

調達 (choutatsu): supply, provision

中断 (chuudan): interruption, suspension, break​

忠実 (chuujitsu): faithfulness, devotion, loyalty

忠告 (chuukoku): advice, warning​

抽選(chuusen): Lottery

抽出する(chuushutsu): extraction

抽象的(chuushyuuteki): Abstract

打撃 (dageki): blow, shock, strike

大胆 (daitan): bold, daring, audacious​

妥協 (dakyou): compromise, giving in​

団結 (danketsu): unity, union, combination

脱出 (dasshutsu): escape, break-out​

土台 (dodai): foundation, base, basis​

独裁 (dokusai): dictatorship, despotism​

独占 (dokusen): monopoly, monopolization​

度胸 (dokyou): courage, bravery, nerve

動員 (douin): mobilization

同情 (doujou): sympathy, compassion

動機 (douki): motive, incentive​

同盟 (doumei): alliance, union, league

同類 (dourui): the same kind

同士 (doushi): fellow, companion, comrade

同等 (doutou): equality, equal, same rights

動揺 (douyou): shaking, trembling, disturbance

映像 (eizou): reflection, image, video

演じる (enjiru): to perform (a play), to play (a part)

不動産 (fudousan): real estate​

腐敗 (fuhai): decomposition, corruption, decay

不可欠 (fukaketsu): indispensable, essential​

復讐 (fukushuu): revenge

紛争 (funsou): dispute, trouble, strife​

相応しい (fusawashii): appropriate, adequate

伏せ(fuseru): To bow forward,

負傷 (fushou): injury, wound​

負担 (futan): burden, charge, responsibility​

不当 (futou): injustice, impropriety, unfair

封鎖 (fuusa): blockade

概念 (gainen): general idea, concept

現地 (genchi): actual place, local

厳密 (genmitsu): strict, close, precise

減少 (genshou): decrease, reduction, decline

原則 (gensoku): principle, general rule​

幻想 (gensou): illusions

犠牲 (gisei): victim, sacrifice, scapegoat

合成 (gousei): composition, synthesis

軍事 (gunji): military affairs​

業務 (gyoumu): business, affairs, duties

業績 (gyouseki): achievement, performance, results

把握 (haaku): grasp, catch, understanding​

阻む (habamu): to keep someone from doing, to prevent

肺 (hai): lung

配置 (haichi): arrangement, deployment

背後 (haigo): back, rear, ​background

排除 (haijo): exclusion, removal, elimination

配慮 (hairyo): consideration, concern, attention

廃止 (haishi): abolition, repeal​

破壊 (hakai): destruction, disruption​

派遣 (haken): dispatch, despatch, deployment​

白状 (hakujou): confession

繁栄 (han’ei): prosperity, thriving

反応 (hannou): reaction, response​

反乱 (hanran): insurrection, rebellion

発生 (hassei): outbreak, spring forth, occurrence

果たす (hatasu): to accomplish, to achieve

発言 (hatsugen): statement, remark

兵器 (heiki): arms, weapons, ordnance​

閉鎖 (heisa): closing, shutdown, lockout

兵士 (heishi): soldier

変動 (hendou): change, fluctuation​

変革 (henkaku): change, transformation

偏見 (henken): prejudice, narrow view​

率いる (hikiiru): to lead, to command

悲鳴 (himei): shriek, scream​

非難 (hinan): criticism, blame, reproach

避難 (hinan): taking refuge, finding shelter

貧困 (hinkon): poor, needy​

頻繁 (hinpan): frequent, incessant

疲労 (hirou): fatigue, weariness​

悲惨 (hisan): disastrous, tragic

匹敵 (hitteki): to be a match for, to rival

必然 (hitsuzen): inevitable, necessary

施す (hodokosu): to give, to do, to conduct

保護 (hogo): care, protection, shelter

保険 (hoken): insurance, guarantee​

本能 (honnou): instinct

本心 (honshin): true feelings​

本質 (honshitsu): essence, true nature

崩壊 (houkai): collapse, crumbling

放棄 (houki): abandonment, renunciation

方策 (housaku): plan, policy​

報酬 (houshuu): remuneration, recompense, reward

法廷 (houtei): courtroom

票 (hyou): vote, ballot

一部 (ichibu): one part, one portion

著しい (ichijirushii): striking, remarkable, considerable

移住 (ijuu): migration, immigration​

怒り (ikari): anger, rage, fury

一刻 (ikkoku): minute, moment, an instant​

移行 (ikou): migration, transition​

移民 (imin): emigration, immigration

痛める (itameru): to hurt, to cause pain

痛む (itamu): to hurt, to ache, to feel a pain​

意図 (ito): intention, aim, design​

営む (itonamu): to run (a business), to operate

意欲 (iyoku): will, desire, ambition

依然 (izen): still, as yet

依存 (izon): dependence, reliance​

地獄 (jigoku): hell

事業 (jigyou): enterprise, business, industry

自覚 (jikaku): self-consciousness, self-awareness​

地元 (jimoto): home area, local

迅速 (jinsoku): quick, fast, rapid, swift

実践 (jissen): practice, putting into practice

実質 (jisshitsu): substance, essence​

事前 (jizen): prior, beforehand

持続 (jizoku): continuation, persisting, lasting

助言 (jogen): advice, suggestion​

譲歩 (jouho): concession, conciliation

情熱 (jounetsu): passion, enthusiasm

上陸 (jouriku): landing, disembarkation

情勢 (jousei): state of things, state of affairs

従業員 (juugyouin): employee, worker​

柔軟 (juunan): flexible, lithe, soft, pliable​

株式 (kabushiki): stock (company)​

課題 (kadai): subject, theme, issue, matter​

開発 (kaihatsu): development, exploitation​

回避 (kaihi): evasion, avoidance​

解除 (kaijo): cancellation, release

改革 (kaikaku): reform, reformation

階級 (kaikyuu): (social) class, rank, grade​

介入 (kainyuu): intervention

賭け (kake): betting, gambling

賭ける (kakeru): to wager, to bet, to gamble

確保 (kakuho): guarantee, maintain, ensure

革命 (kakumei): revolution

確信 (kakushin): conviction, belief, confidence​

肝心 (kanjin): essential, fundamental, crucial

完璧 (kanpeki): perfect, complete, flawless​

官僚 (kanryou): bureaucrat, bureaucracy​

監視 (kanshi): monitoring, watching, observation

干渉 (kanshou): interference, intervention, meddling​

関与 (kanyo): participation, taking part in

寛容 (kanyou): tolerance, generosity

固める (katameru): to harden, to solidify

傾ける (katamukeru): to incline, to lean, to tilt

交わす (kawasu): to exchange, to intersect, to cross

軽減 (keigen): abatement, reduction​

経費 (keihi): expenses, cost, outlay​

経過 (keika): passage, expiration, progress

警戒 (keikai): vigilance, caution, alertness

経歴 (keireki): personal history, career​

経路 (keiro): course, route, means

形成 (keisei): formation, molding, taking form​

携帯 (keitai): something carried (in the hand)

権限 (kengen): power, authority, jurisdiction​

権威 (ken’i): authority, power, influence​

獣は(Kemono): Beast, Brute Animal

権力 (kenryoku): (political) power, authority

決断 (ketsudan): decision, determination​

決意 (ketsui): decision, determination

規模 (kibo): scale, scope, plan

危機 (kiki): crisis, danger, risk​

機構 (kikou): mechanism, organization

起伏(Kifuku): undulation, up and down

勤勉 (kinben): diligent, industrious​

緊急 (kinkyuu): urgent, pressing, emergency​

規制 (kisei): regulation, control, restriction

奇跡 (kiseki): miracle, wonder, marvel​

競う (kisou): to compete, to contest

規定 (kitei): provision, regulation, rule​

気絶 (kizetsu): faint, swoon​

築く (kizuku): to build, to construct

傷つける (kizutsukeru): to wound, to injure​

拒む (kobamu): to refuse, to reject, to decline​

​誇張 (kochou): exaggeration

孤独 (kodoku): solitude, loneliness, isolation

試みる (kokoromiru): to try, to attempt

根拠 (konkyo): basis, foundation​

個性 (kosei): individuality, personality

固定 (kotei): fixation, fixing

興奮 (koufun): excitement, stimulation, agitation

抗議 (kougi): protest, objection​

行為 (koui): act, deed, conduct​

好意 (koui): good will, favor, courtesy

公開 (koukai): making available to the public

後悔 (koukai): regret, repentance, remorse​

購入 (kounyuu): purchase, buy​

効率 (kouritsu): efficiency

交渉 (koushou): negotiations, discussions​

雇用 (koyou): employment, hire​

口調 (kuchou): tone, (verbal) expression​

苦しみ (kurushimi): pain, anguish, suffering

屈辱 (kutsujoku): disgrace, humiliation​

拒否 (kyohi): refusal, rejection, denial

極端 (kyokutan): extreme, extremity​

脅迫 (kyouhaku): threat, menace, coercion

脅威 (kyoui): threat, menace​

享受 (kyouju): reception, acceptance, enjoyment

共感 (kyoukan): sympathy, empathy, response​

教訓 (kyoukun): lesson, precept

強烈 (kyouretsu): strong, intense, severe​

共産 (kyousan): communism

強制 (kyousei): obligation, coercion, compulsion

究極 (kyuukyoku): ultimate, extreme, final

救済 (kyuusai): relief, aid, rescue

恵む (megumu): to bless, to show mercy to​

明白 (meihaku): obvious, clear, plain

明瞭 (meiryou): clarity, clearness​

名誉 (meiyo): honor, credit, prestige​

未知 (michi): not yet known, unknown

身近 (midjika): near oneself, close to one, familiar

見方 (mikata): viewpoint, point of view

源 (minamoto): source, origin, root​

満たす (mitasu): to satisfy, to fulfill, to gratify

漏らす (morasu): to let leak, to reveal​

摸索 (mosaku): groping (for), exploring for a solution

齎す (motarasu): to bring, to take, to bring about​

無実 (mujitsu): innocence, guiltlessness

無効 (mukou): invalid, no effect

無力 (muryoku): powerlessness, incompetent

悩み (nayami): trouble, worry, distress

燃料 (nenryou): fuel

熱意 (netsui): zeal, enthusiasm​

憎しみ (nikushimi): hatred

肉体 (nikutai): the body, the flesh​

担う (ninau): to carry on shoulder, to bear

認識 (ninshiki): recognition, awareness, perception

妊娠 (ninshin): conception, pregnancy​

農場 (noujou): farm (agriculture)​

覚え (oboe): memory, sense, experience​

犯す (okasu): to commit (e.g. crime)

重荷 (omoni): load, heavy burden

大幅 (oohaba): big, large, substantial

愚か (oroka): foolish, stupid​

恐れ (osore): fear, horror, anxiety

襲う (osou): to attack, to assail

仰天する(ooten): To be Very Tired looking up

訪れる (otozureru): to visit, to call on​

負う (ou): to bear, to take responsibility for

楽観 (rakkan): optimism

連中 (renchuu): company, lot, bunch

理屈 (rikutsu): theory, reason​

理性 (risei): reason, reasoning power

利息 (risoku): interest (bank)​

理論 (riron): theory

論理 (ronri): logic, logical

浪費 (rouhi): waste, extravagance​

領域 (ryouiki): area, domain, territory

良心 (ryoushin): conscience

察知 (sacchi): sense, infer​

定める (sadameru): to decide, to establish, to determine

最悪 (saiaku): the worst​

細部 (saibu): details

再生 (saisei): resuscitation, regeneration

採用 (saiyou): use, adoption, acceptance​

最善 (saizen): the very best, utmost​

栄える (sakaeru): to prosper, to flourish​

作戦 (sakusen): tactics, strategy​

悟る (satoru): to perceive, to sense, to understand

世代 (sedai): generation, the world, the age​

征服 (seifuku): conquest, subjugation

制服 (seifuku): uniform

正義 (seigi): justice, right, righteousness

誠実 (seijitsu): sincere, honest, faithful​

成熟 (seijuku): maturity, ripeness​

成果 (seika): fruits (of one’s labors), accomplishment

政権 (seiken): (political) administration, political power​

政策 (seisaku): political measures, policy​

正当 (seitou): just, justifiable, right

選挙 (senkyo): election

戦略 (senryaku): strategy, tactics​

占領 (senryou): occupying, possession, capture

戦闘 (sentou): battle, fight, combat​

専用 (senyou): exclusive use, personal use

接触 (sesshoku): touch, contact​

設定 (settei): establishment, creation, setting

説得 (settoku): persuasion

設立 (setsuritsu): establishment, founding

死 (shi): death, decease​

強いる (shiiru): to force, to compel, to coerce​

支持 (shiji): support, holding up, backing

指示 (shiji): instructions, directions, ​indication

資格 (shikaku): qualifications, requirements

指揮 (shiki): command, direction​

資金 (shikin): funds, capital​

仕組み (shikumi): structure, construction

使命 (shimei): mission, errand​, task

辛抱 (shinbou): patience, endurance​

進化 (shinka): evolution, progress​

侵略 (shinryaku): aggression, invasion

思考 (shikou): thought, consideration, thinking​

真実 (shinjitsu): truth, reality​

真理 (shinri): truth

真相 (shinsou): truth, real situation​

進展 (shinten): progress, development​

資産 (shisan): property, fortune, assets

視線 (shisen): one’s line of sight, one’s gaze

指摘 (shiteki): pointing out, identification​

嫉妬 (shitto): jealousy, envy​

視野 (shiya): field of vision, outlook​

処分 (shobun): disposal, dealing (with a problem)

職務 (shokumu): professional duties​

所得 (shotoku): income, earnings​

象徴 (shouchou): symbol

衝動 (shoudou): impulse, impetus, urge​

生涯 (shougai): one’s lifetime

証言 (shougen): testimony, (verbal) evidence​

証拠 (shouko): evidence, proof​

照明 (shoumei): illumination, lighting​

消滅 (shoumetsu): extinction, extinguishment

奨励 (shourei): encouragement, promotion

詳細 (shousai): detail, particulars​

昇進 (shoushin): promotion, advancement

少数 (shousuu): minority, few​

正体 (shoutai): true character, true form

勝利 (shouri): victory, triumph, win

所有 (shoyuu): one’s possessions, ownership​

主導 (shudou): leadership, initiative, spearhead​

守衛 (shuei): security guard, doorkeeper​

手法 (shuhou): technique, method​

収集 (shuushuu): gathering up, collection

収益 (shuueki): earnings, proceeds, returns

措置 (sochi): measure, measures, step​

損なう (sokonau): to harm, to hurt, to injure

促進 (sokushin): promotion, acceleration

染まる (somaru): to be dyed​, to be tainted, to be infected

即座に (sokuza ni): immediately, right away

阻止 (soshi): obstruction, check, hindrance

備わる (sonawaru): to be furnished with, to be equipped with​

損失 (sonshitsu): loss (e.g. assets or profits)​

訴訟 (soshou): liftigation, lawsuit​

装備 (soubi): equipment

捜査 (sousa): search, investigation

創造 (souzou): creation

遂行 (suikou): accomplishment, execution​

衰退 (suitai): decline, degeneration, decay

推進 (suishin): propulsion, drive​, promotion

好く (suku): to like, to love

体験 (taiken): personal experience, physical experience

対応 (taiou): correspondence, coping with

態勢 (taisei): attitude, posture, preparedness

対処 (taisho): dealing with, coping with

退職 (taishoku): retirement, resignation​

大衆 (taishuu): general public, the masses​

高まる (takamaru): to rise, to swell

企む (takuramu): to scheme, to plan, to conspire

保つ (tamotsu): to keep, to preserve, to maintain

達成 (tassei): achievement

提供 (teikyou): offer, provisioning, supply​

停滞 (teitai): stagnation, tie-up, congestion

手順 (tejun): process, procedure, sequence

適応 (tekiou): adaptation, accommodation

展示 (tenji): exhibition, display​

天井 (tenjou): ceiling, ceiling price​

転換 (tenkan): conversion, changeover

点検 (tenken): inspection, examination, checking​

天才 (tensai): genius, prodigy

手遅れ (teokure): being (too) late​

扉 (tobira): door, gate, opening​

乏しい (toboshii): meagre, scarce, lacking

特権 (tokken): privilege, special right​

富 (tomi): riches, wealth, fortune​

富む (tomu): to be rich in, to abound in

突破 (toppa): breaking through, penetration​

取引 (torihiki): transactions, dealings

整える (totonoeru): to put in order, to adjust​

統合 (tougou): integration, unification, synthesis​

投入 (tounyuu): throwing into, inserting

討論 (touron): debate, discussion​

統制 (tousei): regulation, control​

投資 (toushi): investment

到達 (toutatsu): reaching, attaining, arrival​

告げる (tsugeru): to tell, to inform

追求 (tsuikyuu): pursuit (of a goal, ideal, etc.)

追跡 (tsuiseki): chase, pursuit, tracing

費やす (tsuiyasu): to spend, to consume

募る (tsunoru): to grow violent, to become stronger

通常 (tsuujou): common, general, normal, usual​

強まる (tsuyomaru): to get strong, to gain strength​

打ち明ける (uchiakeru): to confide, to reveal

動き (ugoki): movement, move, motion​

促す (unagasu): to urge, to press, to prompt

運営 (un’ei): management, administration

運命 (unmei): fate, destiny

運用 (unyou): making use of, application

薄れる (usureru): to fade, to become dim​

渦(うず): Whirpool, round and round

渦巻(うずまき): Whirpool

渦潮(うずしお): Whirling Tides

渦中: Vortex in the middle

罠 (wana): snare, trap

闇 (yami): darkness, the dark

野心 (yashin): ambition, aspiration​

養う (yashinau): to support, to provide for

余地 (yochi): place, room, margin

予感 (yokan): presentiment, premonition, hunch​

欲望 (yokubou): desire, appetite, lust​

抑圧する(yokuatsu): Restraint

抑制 (yokusei): control, restraint, suppression

要因 (youin): main cause, primary factor​

用件 (youken): business, thing to be done

要請 (yousei): appeal, request, demand

要する (you suru): to need, to demand, to require

弱める (yowameru): to weaken​

勇敢 (yuukan): brave, heroic, gallant​

優先 (yuusen): preference, priority

融資 (yuushi): financing, loan​

有する (yuusuru): to own, to be endowed with​

誘惑 (yuuwaku): temptation, allurement

財政 (zaisei): public finance, financial affairs

残酷 (zankoku): cruelty, harshness​

前提 (zentei): preamble, premise, reason

絶望 (zetsubou): despair, hopelessness​

増強 (zoukyou): augment, reinforce, increase

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