In the post we will practice a Japanese reading test for the N2 level of Japanese. Identifying Vocabulary used and trying to understand the main idea behind the flyer!
When it comes to reading, the most important aspect of reading is identifying the structure in the sentence and the vocabulary used (including Kanji). The most difficult aspect of reading Japanese is by far the kanji and trying to interpret the meaning behind them.
The test below was taken from a Japanese Practice text book, and is an example of a sign from a fashion Centre.
Fashion Center Yamamura ! Go ahead an try to interpret the Text !

This test snippet is about a special sale for Members given via invitation. this talks about a sale given to members for a limited time period between 3days in July from Tuesday – Thursday. This special discount is emphasized to be for members only and for a very limited period. Benefits include discount on items and new items.
Vocabulary List:
ファッション = Fashion
センター = center
会員様 = member
招待 = invitation
期間限定 = limited time period
だけに (grammar) = given the case that….
届ける = To deliver 案内 = Leading to, guidance
日間 = set number of days 新製品 = new products
割引商品 = discounted products
価格 = Price/value
店頭表示価格 = Over the counter Price [てんと ひょうじ かかく」
店内全品 = All items in the store
購入こうにゅう = To purchase さらに = moreover
来店 ⁼ visiting a store お客様 = customer
記念品 = souvenir
Questions for the Above Text:

Answers for the questions:
Q1 = 4
Q2 = 1