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JLPT N2 Nihongo Soumatome Vocabulary List

JLPT Nihongo Soumatome N2 Vocabulary List

返事 (へんじ) – reply
返却 (へんちゃく) – return, restitution
返金 (へんきん) – refund
返す (かえす) – to return, give back

集団 (しゅうだん) – group, organization
布団 (ふとん) – futon (Japanese mattress)
団体 (だんたい) – group, organization
団地 (だんち) – large housing/apartment complex

一般 (いっぱん) – general, common

全般 (ぜんぱん) – the whole, entirety

幼児 (ようじ) – baby, infant
小児科 (しょうがか) – pediatrics department
児童 (じどう) – children

未定 (みてい) – undecided, indefinite
未来 (みらい) – future
未知 (みち) – unknown
未満 (みまん) – less than, under

満員 (まんいん) – full (of people)
満足 (まんぞく) – satisfaction
老人 (ろうじん) – elderly person, old person
年老いた (としおいた) – aged, old

設定 (せってい) – setting, configuration
設計 (せっけい) – design, plan
設備 (せつび) – equipment, facilities

換気 (かんき) – ventilation
換える (かえる) – to change, to exchange
乗り換え (のりかえ) – changing trains, transfer

風向 (ふうこう) – wind direction
向ける (むける) – to turn towards, to face
向かう (むかう) – to face, to go towards
向かい (むかい) – the opposite side, facing

停止 (ていし) – stopping, halt
停電 (ていでん) – power outage, blackout
停車 (ていしゃ) – stopping (of a vehicle)

暖房 (だんぼう) – heating
暖かい (あたたかい) – warm

除湿 (じょしつ) – dehumidification
除く (のぞく) – to exclude, to remove

湿度 (しつど) – humidity
湿気 (しっけ) – moisture, humidity
湿る (しめる) – to become damp, to get humid

標準 (ひょうじゅん) – standard, norm
標本 (ひょうほん) – specimen, sample

倍 (ばい) – double, twice
倍 (ぱい) – times (e.g., two times as many)
巻く (まく) – to wind, to roll up
巻き戻し(まきもどし)rewinding (e.g. VCR, tape deck, etc.)

録画 (ろくが) – video recording
録音 (ろくおん) – audio recording

音量 (おんりょう) – volume (of sound)
風量 (ふうりょう) – air volume, airflow

分量 (ぶんりょう) – quantity, amount
数量 (すうりょう) – quantity, amount

予定 (よてい) – plan, schedule
予習 (よしゅう) – preparation (e.g., of lessons)
予備 (よび) – reserve, spare
予約 (よやく) – reservation, appointment

約束 (やくそく) – promise, agreement
約束 (やくそく) – appointment, arrangement

保留 (ほりゅう) – reservation, suspension
地帯 (ちたい) – region, area
温帯 (おんだい) – temperate zone

保温 (ほおん) – retention of warmth
保険 (ほけん) – insurance
保守的 (ほしゅてき) – conservative

留守 (るす) – absence (from home)
保湿 (ほしつ) – retention of moisture
留学 (りゅうがく) – studying abroad

書留 (かきとめ) – registration (e.g., registered mail)
手伝う (てつだう) – to help, to assist
返済 (へんさい) – repayment
用件 (ようけん) – business, matter
事件 (じけん) – incident, crime

信 (しん) – trust, confidence
通信 (つうしん) – correspondence, communication
自信 (じしん) – self-confidence

歴 (れき) – history, past
着信履歴 (ちゃくしんりれき) – record of calls received
歴史 (れきし) – history

箱 (はこ) – box, bin
受信箱 (じゅしんばこ) – inbox
送信箱 (そうしんばこ) – outbox

規 (き) – rule, regulation
新規 (しんき) – new, fresh
規定 (きてい) – regulation, rule

変 (へん) – change, transformation
変換 (へんかん) – conversion
変わる (かわる) – to change, to vary

選択 (せんたく) – selection, choice
選手 (せんしゅ) – athlete, player

決定 (けってい) – decision, determination
決める (きめる) – to decide, to determine

登録 (とうろく) – registration, enrollment
登場 (とうじょう) – appearance, entrance
登山 (とざん) – mountain climbing

編集 (へんしゅう) – editing, compilation
長編 (ちょうへん) – long work, long story
短編 (たんぺん) – short work, short story
編み物 (あみもの) – knitting, knitted item

機能 (きのう) – function, capability
可能 (かのう) – possibility, capability
能力 (のうりょく) – ability, capacity

修正 (しゅうせい) – amendment, correction
修理 (しゅうり) – repair, fixing
修士 (しゅうし) – master’s degree holder

完了 (かんりょう) – completion, accomplishment
完成 (かんせい) – completion, achievement
完備 (かんび) – being fully equipped

終了 (しゅうりょう) – end, completion
修了 (しゅうりょう) – completion (of a course)

画像 (がぞう) – image, picture
映像 (えいぞう) – reflection, image, video
現像 (げんぞう) – developing (a photograph)

書類 (しょるい) – document, paperwork
人類 (じんるい) – humanity, the human race
分類 (ぶんるい) – classification, categorization

書式 (しょしき) – format, form (of a document)
入学式 (にゅうがくしき) – entrance ceremony (to school)
正式 (せいしき) – formal, official

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