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Anatomy in Japanese

Body Parts in Japanese


The thorax, also known as the chest cavity, is a crucial region of the human body. Here’s a breakdown of its anatomy:


  • 胸郭 (きょうかく, Kyōkaku) – Thoracic Cage
    • 肋骨 (ろっ骨, Rokkotsu) – Ribs (12 pairs)
  • 胸骨 (きょうこつ, Kyōkotsu) – Sternum (breastbone)
  • 胸椎 (きょうつい, Kyōtsui) – Thoracic Vertebrae (T1-T12)


  • 肋間筋 (ろっかんきん, Rokkankin) – Intercostal muscles (between ribs)
  • 横隔膜 (おうかくまく, Ōkakumaku) – Diaphragm (separates thorax from abdomen)
  • 胸鎖乳突筋 (きょうそうにゅうとつきん, Kyōsōnyūtōt筋) – Sternocleidomastoid muscle (neck)
  • 大胸筋 (だいきょうきん, Daikyōkin) – Pectoralis major muscle (chest)


  • 肺 (はい, Hai) – Lungs (paired)
    • 気管支 (きかんし, Kikanchi) – Bronchi (air passages)
    • 肺胞 (はいほう, Haihō) – Alveoli (air sacs)
  • 心臓 (しんぞう, Shinzō) – Heart
    • 心室 (しんしつ, Shinshitsu) – Ventricles (lower chambers)
    • 心房 (しんぼう, Shinbō) – Atria (upper chambers)
    • 大血管 (だいかっけつ, Daikakketsue) – Great vessels (aorta, vena cava)
  • 気管 (きかん, Kikan) – Trachea (windpipe)
  • 食道 (しょくどう, Shokudō) – Esophagus (food passage)
  • 胸腺 (きょうせん, Kyōsen) – Thymus gland (located behind the sternum)

Other Important Structures:

  • 縦隔 (じゅうかく, Jūkaku) – Mediastinum (central compartment of the thorax)
  • 胸膜 (きょうまく, Kyōmaku) – Pleura (membrane lining the lungs and thoracic cavity)

Additional Notes:

  • 上口 (じょうこう, Jōkō) – Superior thoracic aperture (opening at the top of the thorax)
  • 下口 (げこう, Gekō) – Inferior thoracic aperture (opening at the bottom of the thorax)

Hand Anatomy


  • 手根骨 (しゅこんこつ, Shukonkotsu) – Carpal bones (wrist bones, 8 total)
  • 中手骨 (ちゅうしゅこつ, Chūshukotsu) – Metacarpal bones (palm bones, 5 total)
  • 指骨 (ゆびこつ, Yubikotsu) – Phalanges (finger bones, 3 in each finger except the thumb which has 2)


  • 手根管 (しゅこんかん, Shukonkan) – Carpal tunnel (passage for nerves and tendons in the wrist)
  • 指関節 (ゆびかんせつ, Yubikansetsu) – Interphalangeal joints (joints between finger bones)
  • 掌指関節 (しょうしかんせつ, Shōshikansetsu) – Metacarpophalangeal joints (joints between palm bones and finger bones)

Soft Tissues:

  • 腱 (けん, Ken) – Tendons (connect muscles to bones)
  • 筋 (きん, Kin) – Muscles (various muscles for movement and control)
  • 腱鞘 (けんしょう, Kenshō) – Tendon sheaths (lubricate tendons)
  • 神経 (しんけい, Shinkei) – Nerves (provide sensation and control movement)
  • 血管 (けっかん, Kesskan) – Blood vessels (arteries and veins supply blood)
  • 皮膚 (ひふ, Hifu) – Skin (provides protection and sensation)


  • 手のひら (てのひら, Tenohira) – Palm
  • 手の甲 (てのこう, Tenokō) – Back of the hand
  • 指 (ゆび, Yubi) – Fingers
  • 親指 (おやゆび, Oyayubi) – Thumb

Leg Anatomy


  • 大腿骨 (だいたいこつ, Daitaikotsu) – Femur (thigh bone)
  • 膝蓋骨 (ひざがしら, Hizagashira) – Patella (kneecap)
  • 脛骨 (けいこつ, Keikotsu) – Tibia (shin bone)
  • 腓骨 (ひこつ, Hikotsu) – Fibula (smaller leg bone)
  • 跗骨 (ふつこつ, Fussokotsu) – Tarsal bones (ankle bones, 7 total)
  • 中足骨 (ちゅうそくこつ, Chūsokukotsu) – Metatarsal bones (foot bones, 5 total)
  • 趾骨 (しこつ, Shikotsu) – Phalanges (toe bones, similar structure to finger bones)


  • 膝関節 (ひざかんせつ, Hizakansetsu) – Knee joint
  • 距腿節 (きょといてつ, Kyotsuitetsu) – Ankle joint
  • 母趾外転筋 (ぼしがいせんきん, Boshigaisent筋) – Metatarsophalangeal joints (joints between foot bones and toes)
  • 趾間関節 (しいかんかんせつ, Shikankansetsu) – Interphalangeal joints (joints between toe bones)

Soft Tissues:

  • Similar to hand anatomy, the leg has tendons, muscles, nerves, blood vessels, and skin.


  • 大腿 (だいたい, Daitai) – Thigh
  • 膝 (ひざ, Hiza) – Knee
  • 下腿 (かし、kakute) – Lower leg (calf and shin)
  • 足首 (くるぶし, Kurubushi) – Ankle
  • 足 (あし, Ashi) – Foot
  • 趾 (ゆび, Yubi) – Toes

Additional Notes:

  • 足背 (そくはい, Sokuhai) – Instep (top of the foot)
  • 足底 (そくてい, Sokuしてい, Sokuしてい) – Sole (bottom of the foot)
  • 踵 (かかと, Kakato) – Heel
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