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JLPT N1 Vocabulary List (updated)

102さするto rub
103なでるto stroke
104いじるto fiddle with
105かき回すかきまわすto stir, ransack
106摘むつむto pick
107つまむつまむto pinch, pick at , pick up
108つかむつかむto catch/get/ take hold of , capture
109ねじれるねじれるto be twisted
110ねじるねじるto twist
111ひねるひねるto tweak, turn, make tricky, puzzle over, be perplexed
112ちげれるちげれるto tear, break off
113ちぎるちぎるto tear, rip
114束ねるたばねるto tie up, bundle, manage
115扇ぐあおぐto fan
116くむくむto draw, fill , understand
117くわえるくわえるto hold in one’s mouth
118なめるなめるto lick, make fun of, make light of
119うつむくうつむくto look down
120はうはうto crawl, creep
121くぐるくぐるto pass through, evade
122ささやくささやくto whisper, gossip
123わめくわめくto shout, scream
124言いつけるいいつけるto order, tell on, report
125打ち明けるうちあけるto be frank/open
126見かけるみかけるto see, catch sight of
127見分けるみわけるto distinguish
128見渡すみわたすto look out over, survey
129見落とすみおとすto overlook, miss
130乗り過ごすのりすごすto miss one’s stop/ station (train, bus, etc)
131乗り越えるのりこえるto climb over, surpass, overcome
132あゆむ歩むto walk, go on foot
133もつもつto last
134保つたもつto maintain, preserve
135築くきずくto build, construct
136絶えるたえるto stop, cease, be discontinued
137断つ/絶つたつto server, abstrain from
138途切れるとぎれるto pause, be interrupted
139途絶えるとだえるto stop, cease
140下るくだるbe handed down, pass, descend , be less than
141下すくだすto make ( a decision), defeat, have diarrhea
142垂れるたれるto hang, droop, drip
143茂るしげるto be in full leaf, grow thickly
144耕すたがやすto cultivate
145生かすいかすto make (the best) use of, keep alive
146拒むこばむto refuse
147強いるしいるto force, coerce
148禁じるきんじるto prohibit
149競うきそうto compete (with)
150負かすまかすto defeat, be beaten
151やっつけるやっつけるto see off, dash off
152励むはげむto make an effort, strive
153捉えるとらえるto capture, grasp
154捕らえるとらえるto apprehend, arrest, capture
155かばうかばうto cover for, cover up, protect
156からかうからかうto tease
157襲うおそうto attack, target
158挙がるあがるto go up, turn up, be listed , increase
159挙げるあげるto raise, give (an example), praise, uproot
160雇うやとうto employ, hire
161養うやしなうto support, cultivate
162交わるまじわるto intersect, associate, mingle with
163交えるまじえるto include, combine, cross
164よこすよこすto call (phone), send (e-mail, letter), hand over
165焦るあせるto be in a hurry, be flustered/worried
166せかすせかすto rush
167耐えるたえるto endure, withstand
168むっとするむっとするto be sullen/ petulant, to be stifled/suffocated
169ぞっとするぞっとするto shudder
170ぎょっとするぎょっとするto be startled
171狂うくるうto go mad, go wrong
172照れるてれるto be shy
173省みるかえりみるto reflect
174顧みるかえりみるto look back (over one’s shoulder), reflect, consider
175心がけるこころがけるto try, aim to
176試みるこころみるto try
177案じるあんじるto be concerned about
178染みるしみるto permeate, sting
179にじむにじむto run, stain, blur, brim, bead, show
180ぼやけるぼやけるto be blurred/dim
181弱るよわるto weaken, be dejected
182老けるふけるto age
183凍えるこごえるto freeze
184かなうかなうto come true
185かなえるかなえるto come true
186賭ける/懸けるかけるto risk, gamble
187よすよすto give up
188交わすかわすto exchange
189にぎわうにぎわうto be crowded
190受け入れるうけいれるto accept, agree
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