The following post we will read some vocabulary used when going to a Japanese Bank! and learn how to use an ATM in Japan. In this post I list a set of kanji and vocabulary for using to withdraw money or deposit money in an ATM machine.
Common Japanese vocabulary used at the bank in Japan
口座 こうざ = Bank account
手数料てすうりょう = handling fee, commission on transaction
通帳 つうちょう = Bank book
クレジットカード = credit card
IC カード = IC card
エーティーエム = ATM
金額 きんがく = amout
硬貨 こうか = Coin
暗証番号 あんしょうばんごう = P.I.N = personal identification Number
受付 うけつけ = information Desk
金庫 きんこ = safe/ deposit
振替 ふりかえ= Change of money
振込 ふりこみ = Despoit
残高 ざんだか = Balance
口座を開きたいんですが ⁼ I would like to open and account
口座を閉じたいんですが = I would like to close an account
ドルを円にかえてください= please exchange dollar to yen
How to Use a Japanese ATM – Vocabulary and Kanji
When walking around a train station or Airport in Japan its common to find ATMs were you can easily withdraw money. However how to withdraw money from an ATM? Its actually quite simple. Here I discuss the user interface anatomy of a Japanese ATM.

引き出し => ひきだし = Cash withdrawal
お振り込み => おふりこみ = Payment made via bank deposit
料金 => りょうきん = Charge Fair.
税金 => ぜいきん = Tax/duty
預け入れ = おずけいれ=cash deposit
お振り替え おふりかえ = Transfer of money – This is usually used to transfer money between two bank accounts, in this case you are transferring money between your own bank accounts.
残高照会 = ざんだかしょうかい = Balance enquiry
通帳記入 – Passbook Update – This function usually will print all the recent transactions that were conducted on your account and give you a balance of the total transactions carried out.