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Home » High Yield JLPT N1 Vocabulary

High Yield JLPT N1 Vocabulary

JLPT N1 vocabulary
Japanese Romaji English Notes
肉親 nikushin Immediate family member, blood relative
身内 miuchi Relative, family member
親類 shinrui Relative, kin
親戚 shinseki Relative
配偶者 haiguusha Spouse
家系 kakei Family line, lineage
家系図 kakeizu Family tree, genealogy chart
血縁 ketsuen Blood relations, consanguinity
おふくろ ofukuro Mom, mother (Informal, used by men)
おやじ oyaji Dad, father (Informal, used by men)
他界 takai Passing away (More polite than just dying)
有無 umu Presence or absence, existence
書く kaku To write
知る shiru To know
作る tsukuru To make, create
帰る kaeru To return, go home
飲む nomu To drink (alcohol)
よこす yokosu
女房 nyōbō Wife Casual term; literally “woman’s room”
亭主 teishu Husband Casual term; literally “master of the house”
温もり nukumori Warmth
授かる sazukaru To be blessed with, to be granted (a child) Often used for receiving something from a superior or a deity
名付ける nazukeru To name (a child)
すやすや suyasuya Sleep soundly Often used for babies and children
しぐさ shigusa Gesture
愛しい itoshii Adorable
懐く natsuku To be attached (to a person)
ねだる nedaru To scrounge, to beg (for something)
すねる suneru To sulk
指図(する) sashizu (suru) To order (someone around)
横取り(する) yokodori (suru) To snatch (something away)
反発(する) hanpatsu (suru) To rebel, to repel
家出(する) iede (suru) Running away from home
ぎくしゃく(する) gikushaku (suru) To be strained (relationship)
言い返す iikaesu To talk back
言い張る iiharu To insist
門限 mongen Curfew
さんざん(な) sanzan (na) Severe, harsh; severely, harshly (Adjective or adverb)
省みる kaerimiru To reflect
さも samo As if
やまやま(な) yamayama (na) Have a strong desire to Often used with が (ga) to express a strong desire, but acknowledges a conflicting factor.
再婚(する) saikon (suru) Remarry
健在(な) kenzai (na) In good health, still living Used for elderly people.
いたわる itawaru To care for, to be kind to Often used for caring for the elderly or sick.
他界(する) takai (suru) Pass away (more polite than 死ぬ)
受け継ぐ uketsugu To take over, to inherit
遺産 isan Inheritance, heritage Can refer to financial inheritance or cultural/historical heritage.
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